The last century witnessed a intense shift in global power dynamics as two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, entered a period of fierce competition. This rivalry, known as the Cold War, manifested on multiple fronts, with one of the most intriguing being the space race. Both nations were determined to prove their technological do
A Stain on Humanity: The Zong Massacre
In the belly of 1781, a monstrous deed took place aboard the slave ship Zong. Driven by a lust for profit, the ship's captain, {Lord Graeme|Captain Luke|John|William], demanded that over 130 African captives be thrown overboard. These horrors was not a random event, but a deliberate decision driven by a calculation to increase insurance payout for
Secrets of the Bermuda Triangle: Unveiled
For decades, the Devil's Triangle has baffled mariners and scientists alike. Tales of vanishing ships and aircraft have spread for generations, leaving behind a path of unsolved puzzles. Now, after years of exploration, the secrets behind this notorious area are finally being unveiled. Findings suggests that the anomalous activity in the Bermuda